Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sonogram on Friday

After some last minute planning, I will be headed to receive a sonogram first thing tomorrow morning.  This is what they'll be looking for...

The uterine lining needs to be nice and thick.  This pic shows the lining so thick it is touching in the middle forming what appears to be a white line.  (I have no idea who this uterus belongs to, I googled and this is the pic I got.  It makes it a whole lot easier to explain with pics)  The clinic I'm headed to received last minute notice that I'll be headed their way so I'm being squeezed in between an already full schedule.  That means I'll be waiting a while.  Well worth the wait though.  Crossing my fingers and praying that everything looks great for the transfer next week.  I was informed yesterday that the transfer date has been moved up a couple days.  We're now looking at June 7th or 8th.  I look forward to no more shots in the stomach!  

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