Monday, June 24, 2013

Beta #2

Saturday, June 22nd

Beta hcg....1,056

They were looking for the first beta of 402 to double within 48 hours which I guess I overachieved on that one.  DH is convinced it's twins but I'm keeping my mind open to either option.

The estrogen and progesterone numbers don't mean a whole lot to me just yet.  I'm going to put a call into the RE to find out what the desired range is for these.  I know the estrogen must be low because they called me yesterday and said slap on another patch.  Just when I thought we'd be decreasing the meds, they up it on me.  A little bummed about that but I'll get over it. 

* Update *

RE wants to see the estrogen at 200+ while the progesterone looks fine.  Ultrasound will be week of July 8th.  Just waiting on my OBGYN to confirm the date.  They will also recheck hormone levels at that time. 

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